Useful reading related to health care issues and workers compensation
Impact of the Texas Pharmacy Closed Formulary - A preliminary report based on 12-month injuries with 24-month services and legacy status.
The Impact of Claimant Age on Late-Term Medical Costs - Recent NCCI research found that for workers compensation medical payments made between 20 and 30 years after an injury, the average annual payments for claimants younger than age 60 at the time of treatment are greater than the average annual payments for claimants older than age 60. NCCI examines this difference by looking at various claims characteristics for injured workers in these age groups.
Time From Injury to Treatment in Workers Compensation - Preliminary Results - This is the first phase of a long-term study on the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on time from injury to treatment.
The Impact of Workers Compensation Rx Fee Schedules - This study looks at differences in Rx prices across states to assess the effect of Rx fee schedules on Rx prices paid in WC and assesses whether Rx fee schedules based on average wholesale price have an effect on Rx prices paid in WC.
State Differences in the Treatment of Joint Injuries - Preliminary Results - An overview of the approach used in this study, preliminary findings and observations.
Regulating Physician Dispensing - Evidence from WCRI studies show that physician dispensing is more expensive, even after recent reforms to regulate physician dispensing.
Medical services for claims over 20 years old - NCCI examines workers compensation medical services provided more than two decades years after the initial injury.
Comorbidities in workers compensation - This NCCI research report provides new information on comorbidity claimants and the types of providers submitting comorbidity diagnoses.
Workers Compensation Prescription Drug Study: 2013 Update - This NCCI Research Brief discusses the portion of WC medical costs that are due to prescription drugs, the impact of price and utilization changes, and the use of narcotics in WC.
The Impact of Physician Fee Schedules in Workers Compensation - This NCCI research addresses the impact on price and utilization when physician fee schedules are introduced and when they are changed.
The Effectiveness of Workers Compensation Fee Schedules - A Closer Look - This NCCI research uses experience from Group Health coverage to assess effectiveness of fee schedules for workers compensation.
Medical Services by Size of Claim - 2011 Update - NCCI research on how different medical services contribute to workers compensation claim costs over time
Post Reform Analysis - presentation from NCCI's 2014 Annual Issues Symposium related to impact of recent reform in Alaska and Maine
The Price Impact of Physician Fee Schedules - NCCI research on how fee schedules relate to the broader marketplace for medical care
Prescription and Payment Trends in California WC - CWCI research published in May 2014 related to opioid use
Ambulatory Surgical Center Cost Outcomes: The Impact of California SB 863 Workers' Compensation Reforms - CWCI research published in Feb 2014 related to the impact of SB 863 on fee payments at ASCs
Reserving in the Age of Obesity - There is increasing evidence that obesity contributes to the cost of medical care in workers compensation - this study focuses on the effect of obesity on severity.
Indemnity Benefit Duration and Obesity - This study shows the indemnity benefit duration of claims with an obesity comorbidity is a multiple of that for non-obese claimants.
Analyzing the Shift in the Medical Share of Total Benefits - 2008 study by NCCI
CAS Press Release (10/29/2008) - Increasing WC Medical Costs are Major Concern to P/C Insurers
Measuring the Factors Driving Medical Severity: Price, Utilization, Mix - This 2007 NCCI study discusses factors other than price inflation the drive the increase in WC medical severity.
WC versus Group Health: A Comparison of Utilization - This 2006 NCCI study focuses on treatment differences to help understanding differences in medical costs for GH versus WC.
The Impact of Catastrophic Cases on Workers Compensation Medical Loss Reserves - 2001 CAS Fall Forum
Using Resampling Techniques to Measure the Effectiveness of Providers in Workers' Compensation Insurance - 2000 CAS Winter Forum
The Benefits and Challenges of Profiling Providers in Workers Compensation - 2000 CAS Winter Forum